I spent much of my life playing it safe. I jumped from company to company, taking jobs that I had little to no passion for because of what they represented: a “respectable” option, and an escape from the last job. So many people around me seemed dissatisfied with their jobs too. Eventually I accepted it as just a fact of life. I told myself that some people got lucky & found work they loved and that maybe I just wasn’t one of them. I told myself I should be grateful to have a job at all and to stop complaining. I told myself that I couldn’t afford to make the kind of dramatic career change I longed for, both because of the fear of screwing up my resume and becoming unmarketable and because I was literally scared of taking a pay cut, running out of money, and ending right back…

Tag: confidence

“We’re putting you on a performance plan.” When I heard those words my face flushed and I instantly felt sick to my stomach. It was all I could do to sit there and listen to my manager detail out the ways in which I had failed to meet expectations. I had been working for nine months at what I thought was a dream job, as an Associate Brand Manager for Haagen-Dazs. When I got the job it seemed too good to be true. It was a coveted position in the Bay Area, where there are so few brand management jobs, many of which involved working on a product as exciting as canned tomatoes (literally). I had tried for two years to break into brand management with no luck, and would have killed for a job managing canned tomatoes! When I got the job at Haagen-Dazs I couldn’t believe they had…